Tuesday 17 July 2007

The beginning...

A couple of months ago I was asked by the World Church Office of the Methodist Church if I'd like to attend a conference for young-adults in Palestine, marking the 40th anniversary of the occupation. It was the 2nd International Young Adults conference held by Sabeel - an ecumenical Palestinian liberation theology centre based in Jerusalem.

I was thrilled to go. Partly because I've wanted to go to Israel/Palestine for ages and partly because the occupation is a cause I've been interested in for a while.

This blog will start out a bit strangely. We had no internet access during the conference, so my idea to blog whilst there didn't work. But I wrote a journal and made a lot of notes, so I'm going to put a few of my experiences and reflections down for each day. Now that I'm back, I want to use this to highlight information in the media, current events, things that I'm working on and anything else that crosses my path. Hopefully it will help me make the most of what I learnt and experienced as well as providing some information to others.

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